Experts Emphasize The Importance of Preventing The Spread of Dengue

Published 2023 Jul 11 Tuesday

Kathmandu: With 1,192 cases of dengue and one fatality recorded in the past four months, experts are urging everyone to take precautions and prevent further spread of the viral infection.

During an interaction organized by the Ministry of Health and Population's Epidemiology and Disease Control Division, Director Dr. Rudra Marasini cautioned about the increasing number of dengue cases and the potential for it to become an epidemic at any time.

Dr. Marasini revealed that as of July 8, a total of 1,192 people had been infected with dengue. However, he acknowledged that many cases may have gone unrecorded and unreported to the Ministry, as the statistics do not include those with mild or no symptoms seeking treatment at private health facilities. Therefore, the actual number of cases is likely higher than reported.

Dipendra Raman Singh, the Director General of the Department of Health Services, stated that the Ministry is collaborating with the three-tier government to prevent and treat dengue. He advised individuals to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites, such as tires, containers, and utensils.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection transmitted to humans by mosquitoes of the Aedes species.

The first case of dengue was reported in the country in 2004. Last year, the country witnessed 54,784 cases of dengue, resulting in 88 fatalities. The majority of cases (77 percent) were reported in Bagmati Province.

Senior consultant Dr. Bimal Chalise highlighted the symptoms of dengue, including high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, nausea, and rash. He advised promptly admitting patients with severe dengue infections to healthcare facilities.

In conclusion, it is crucial to heed the advice of experts and take preventive measures to control the spread of dengue, as it poses a significant public health risk.
